Links to the kits below give you access to download everything you need to run a contest including the rules, forms and certificates for participation and winners. Current tutorial videos available from Toastmasters International.
Speech Contest Tutorial Videos
2023-2024 Speech Contest Rule book
International Speech Contest
Humorous Speech Contest
Tall Tales Speech Contest
Table Topics Contest
Evaluation Speech Contest
One Minute Silent Contest Timer
On October 25, 2023, District 11 leadership received the following clarification from Toastmasters International as to the meaning of the following phrase in the Speech Contest guidance.
“If desired, your District may choose to record an in-person, online, or hybrid speech contest with only contestants and contest officials and play the recording during the District Conference to help prevent bandwidth issues that may arise when live streaming a contest with a large audience. Also, if all contestants of a hybrid speech contest select to be in person, the contest officials may be in person as well.”
[The highlighted bold section above] “is true for contests above club levels. If all contestants in a hybrid contest choose to be in person, it can be held like an in-person contest. This decision should be made freely by each contestant without the influence of the District.”