Meet our 2022-2023 Leaders

District Leaderships are all volunteer opportunities to get hands on leadership training and practice.  Some positions are voted for by the district toastmaster members, and others are appointed by a District Leader.  It is an honor to serve and lead our District.


Mark Mandel, DTM

Why Toastmasters?

I joined toastmasters in 2001 while having seen how this program has benefited myself and others. I am “living the dream” through my club Vineyard Toastmasters and District 11.  I’m learning and watching others grow.

English born and living in Indianapolis with my long suffering wife Mindy and two college bound children (Alex and Heather). I am a safety leader by day in addition to my toastmaster addiction.

My goal for this year is to have fun and learn along the way.

Program Quality Director

Club Growth Director

Carol Crouse CGD

Rick Holtmeier, DTM

Why Toastmasters?

I joined Toastmasters in 1988 in New Jersey with an objective to be more comfortable speaking in public. Shortly thereafter, a leadership path was added. That in itself was unexpected. However, the biggest unexpected benefit for me was the joy that I get when Toastmasters I have advised, formally or informally, succeed!

What are your hobbies and passions?

There are two main hobbies I enjoy: The first is genealogy, having traced parts of my family back to the 15th century.  The second is antique vehicles and in the furtherance of that hobby, I am a Senior Master Judge for the Antique Automobile Club of America.

The #1 thing I want to tell everyone is: “When you get overwhelmed, seek help. Help can always be found from fellow Toastmasters.”

Carol Crouse, DTM

Why Toastmasters?

As a seasoned Toastmaster for over 20 years, I have taken several leadership positions in the clubs I’ve belonged to: Vice President Membership, Vice President Public Relations. My organizational and people skills are a good fit for my most recent office, Vice President Education.

I was singled out by a highly respected, longtime Toastmaster Marlene Purdy to reluctantly filling in as Area 11 Director in 2014 and over the next few years as Area Director for Area 12.

During my tenure several areas earned Distinguished and President’s Distinguished status.

I have served as Division Director, Web Master and on the Realignment Committee.

What are your hobbies and passions?

My philosophy is that it is easier to rebuild a club than to start a new one, though I have helped to start several new clubs.

Pickle-ball is my passion!  I love to play!  I have an old coin collection and collect horse statures from the past. Three or 4 day road trips are always in my view!

Public Relations Manager
Administration Manager
Finance Manager
Zoom Manager
Immediate Past District Director
David Klopfenstein, DTM

Find your purpose, your passion, your unique place in the world…and fight for it.

Do you have skills in writing articles for newsletters: promoting people, clubs, or events?  Why not use those skills to help others in our Toastmaster community.  We need your ideas and talent to promote the members and clubs in our district.

Come and be a part of our public relations team. Contact me via email.

Melinda Mandel, PM1
Lou Begnel, DTM

The #1 thing I want to tell everyone is: “Toastmasters is about growing personally and professionally. It is also about giving back once you have achieved your goals. For every SMART goal, have a HEART goal too.”

Rickea Bacon, LD1
Scott Brown, DTM
District 11 Chief Judge
Spring Conference Committee
Club Officer Training Manager
Joseph C. Phillips, DTM, PDD
Mindy Mandel, PM1
Brenda McIntyre, EC1
Alan Shaner DTM, PID
Name TBA
Name TBA

Division Directors

Division A

Kathryn Denzine, DTM

Division C

Laura Anderson, DTM

Division E

Christina Owens, IP5

Division F

Subramani Swaminadhan, EC5, EH5

Division H

Patty Pick-Franke, EH5, VC5, PI3