Rick Holtmeier, DTM, Immediate Past District 11 Director
Your District leadership will benefit you and District 11. Please consider undertaking a District officer position for next year (2025-2026).
The following Toastmasters give their testimonials on how District Leadership is of personal benefit to the Leader.
Tim Swearingen, DTM
I joined Toastmasters in 1996 to improve my ability to communicate technical information to diverse audiences. Through Toastmasters, I’ve advanced my career and experienced numerous professional opportunities. I’ve discovered that the most crucial decisions are those that help others realize their potential and I have gained several invaluable lessons throughout my journey.
- Embrace learning rather than striving to know everything.
- Stay true to yourself and avoid unnecessary reinventions.
- Prioritize listening to those you serve, even when the feedback is tough.
- Cherish your history and lean on mentors who have walked your path.
- Value people over material things, as relationships endure longer than titles.
- Remember to have fun and relax—after all, it’s just Toastmasters.
Each challenge helped me grow, and I’ve formed lifelong friendships along the way with members all over the world.
[Tim Swearingen, DTM, is the current President of 3920-Turning Point Toastmasters. He has served in the following elected District Roles: 1998-99 D11 Division H Director, 2003-04 D3 Administration Manager, 2004-05 D3 Program Quality Director, and 2005-06 D3 District Director, where his team was recognized as number six in the world rankings. In addition to all of those roles, he has also served as an International Director from 2008-10.]
Marlene Purdy, DTM
District Leadership allowed me a chance to grow as a leader. It provided the opportunity to develop a leadership style that seemed to work very well – that of surrounding yourself with qualified people and then getting out of their way to allow them to do the job. This resulted in the district being Distinguished.
[Marlene Purdy, DTM, is the current District 11 Parliamentarian. She is a member of 521 Anthony Wayne Toastmasters Club. She has served in the following elected District Roles: Multiple times as Division Director in both D11 and D28, 1999-2000 D28 Lieutenant Governor Marketing (now known as Club Growth Director), 2000-01 D28 Lieutenant Governor Education & Training (now known as Program Quality Director), and 2001-02 D28 District Governor (now known as District Director).
Mark Mandel, DTM
I had not planned to get into Toastmaster District leadership. In fact, I had served as an Area Governor a few years ago and that was enough. I was approached about supporting the incoming District Director who I had admired and agreed to serve as Program Quality Director. What a year I had. My learning experience of the wider audience we serve opened my eyes to the many needs of our members. Throughout the year in which I was rebuilding the district, post covid, I spoke to many clubs, learned what the member needs were, and learned how the District plays a vital role in supporting clubs. I got to experience training and expand my circle of support with many Toastmasters around the world. The highlight of my PQD year was to welcome District 11 to the 1st in-person conference since 2019.
As District Director, I learned more about the workings of the District from the District Team. I really appreciated the value of my DTM, because being Director created challenges that I practiced in the High Performance Leadership project. I am proud to have served on the District team and I would heartily recommend any toastmaster to step up, serve and help grow District 11.
[Mark Mandel, DTM, is currently VPE of 1109991 Vineyard Toastmasters. He has served in the following elected District 11 Roles: Program Quality Director 2021-2022, District Director 2022-2023.]
Rick Holtmeier, DTM
Being in District leadership taught me to better lead diverse teams. Though I had been exposed to diversity earlier in my career, I was able to learn and practice in a safe Toastmasters space, where any error I made could be easily corrected. From leading Toastmasters teams, I learned to embrace and encourage the diversity. I learned from experience that decisions made by diverse teams are almost always better decisions. More importantly for me, I learned that member acquisition and retention are greatly enhanced when I listened, watched, learned, and worked at making members and guests comfortable.
Let us go with just one simple example: handshaking. I learned that handshaking should not be required upon exchange of the lectern.
Did you know that many Orthodox Jewish men will avoid touching any woman unless they know their ritual cleanliness status?
Did you know that many Muslim women will try to avoid touching a male?
You likely know that many people prefer to avoid handshaking for health reasons.
So, if anyone in your team seems to be uncomfortable with a practice, consider stopping or substituting that practice. In my club, we suggest that anyone that wants to avoid handshaking for any reason just put their right hand to their left shoulder and the other person will return that acknowledgement in kind. Above all, respect all!
[Rick, DTM, is the current District 11 Immediate Past District Director. He is a member of 1129 Communicators Toastmasters Club. In addition to District 6 and District 46 officer roles, he has served in the following elected District 11 Roles: Division Director F Director 2019-2020 and 2020-2021, Program Quality Director 2021-2022, District Director 2022-2023].
Sam Bristol, DTM
Why I Became a District Leader?
Encouragement of Others. Several Toastmasters asked me to consider serving (as an Area Governor). While I wasn’t ready to jump in due to time commitments, their comments remained in my mind and influenced my decision to finally commit to serve.
Curious about the Toastmasters Experience Beyond My Club. Having been in 2 Toastmasters clubs in other Districts prior to moving to District 11, I had seen differences among the clubs that I had been a member. I realized that each club gave me something that I learned and could be used in future clubs. Knowing that being a District leader would mean being exposed to more clubs, that meant more opportunities to learn new things that would help me and my club(s).
Giving Back. Being a Toastmaster has made a difference in my life. Enthusiastically, I have shared with others about the lessons learned and experiences. The opportunity to step into District leadership has provided a great way to give back to the organization; especially encouraging fellow Toastmasters that they can grow and find enjoyment by participating beyond their club meetings.
[Sam Bristol, DTM, was District 11 District Governor [Now called District Director] for 2002-2003. He is an officer in 3 District 11 clubs: VPM for 3920 Turning Point Toastmasters, SAA and Treasurer for 8911 Golden Gavel club, and SAA and VPPR of 9049 Leadership Outreach Toastmasters. He has served in the following elected District 11 Roles: 2001-2002 Lieutenant Governor Education & Training [now called Program Quality Director], 2000-2001 Lieutenant Governor Marketing [now called Club Growth Director], 2007-2008 Division H Governor [now called Division Director] and 1999-2000 Division E Governor.]
Karen Isaacs, DTM
Karen was District 11’s Regional Advisor for three years, most recently 2023-2024.
Reflecting on my journey through District leadership, I can confidently say the roles provided transformative growth opportunities for me. These roles taught me how to lead various teams, manage multiple tasks, and hone my communication skills. My leadership experience also gave me the confidence to step into larger leadership roles, both in Toastmasters and beyond.
I believe District leadership offers a unique chance to enhance strategic planning, build stronger networks, and leave a lasting impact on the members we serve. The relationships I built during my District roles remain some of the most meaningful in my Toastmasters journey.
[Karen Isaacs, DTM is a Past Region 6 Advisor (2020-2022 & 2023-2024) and Past District 40 Director (2016-2017), near Cincinatti. She is a member of 642205 – Mason Speech Weavers Toastmasters Club. In addition to the Past Region Advisor and Past District Director roles, Karen served as Program Quality Director (2015-2016), Club Growth Director (2014-2015), Division Director (2011-2012) and Area Director (2008-2009 & 2006-2007).]
Make your own District Leadership journey. District 11 is looking for candidates for the following positions for 2025-2026:
As the District’s Chief Executive Officer, direct the District in a way which fosters strong clubs; produces maximum growth in education completions, clubs and membership; and be consistent with the interests of members of Toastmasters International. Motivate the District to achieve Distinguished recognition. Achieve the mission of the District in a manner that motivates volunteer leaders and promotes a standard of excellence in all District activities.
At the time of taking office, the District Director shall have served at least six consecutive months as a Club President and at least 12 consecutive months as a Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director or Division Director or a combination thereof.
Under the guidance of the District Director, strive to have every club and each member reap the benefits of Toastmasters and to have every club become Distinguished. Provides direction and counsel to Division Directors, Area Directors, and Club Officers on the educational opportunities in Toastmasters. Design and conduct successful District training programs, conferences, and other District educational events.
At the time of taking office, the Program Quality Director shall have served at least six consecutive months as a Club President and at least 12 consecutive months as a Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director or Division Director or an Area Director or a combination thereof
Under guidance of the District Director, make the benefits of Toastmasters membership available to greater numbers of people. Plan, develop, implement, and direct District marketing objectives. Develop and direct programs for new club development, club rescue efforts, club membership promotion, and membership retention. Achieve Distinguished District goals for membership and club growth. Promote standards of service to the member and to the club.
At the time of taking office, the Club Growth Director shall have served at least six consecutive months as a Club President and at least 12 consecutive months as a Program Quality Director, a Club Growth Director or Division Director, Area Director or a combination thereof.
Achieve the mission of the District within the Division, accomplishing District goals in membership building and retention, club extension, and educational accomplishments. Ensure that each club realizes its mission and fulfills its responsibilities to members. Achieve Distinguished Division Program goals and ensure that Areas and clubs within the Division achieve Distinguished recognition. Serve the Division clubs by providing District support and resources through the Area Directors.
At the time of taking office, the Division Director shall have served at least six consecutive months as a member of a District Council. [RRH- This means Club President or Club VPE.
Candidate Declarations must be completed by 2/28/2025.
To get started, you can just Email me at [email protected]. I will get you lined up with the appropriate DLC committee member. Please take action. District 11 needs you!
Rick Holtmeier, DTM
Immediate Past District 11 Director
District Leadership Committee Chair
Openings for 2025-2026
Division Directors – (5)
Program Quality Director
Club Growth Director
District Director
Interested? Please contact one of the following Toastmasters before February 28th, 2025.
Name | Representing | Phone | |
Marlene Purdy, DTM | Division A | (H) 260-492-2653, (M) 419-262-3637 | |
Sam Bristol, DTM | Division C | (H) 317-388-1094, (M) 317-701-8313 | |
Lucy Nicksin, DTM | Division E | 317-679-6722 | |
John Blim, DTM | Division F | 502-376-0360 | |
Tim Swearingen, DTM | Division H | 623-332-2516 | |
Rick Holtmeier, DTM | All | 502-709-5594 |