Meet our 2023 - 2024 District 11 Leaders
District Leaderships are all volunteer opportunities to get hands on leadership training and practice. Some positions are voted for by the district toastmaster members, and others are appointed by a District Leader. It is an honor to serve and lead our District.
Rick Holtmeier, DTM
Why Toastmasters?
I joined Toastmasters in 1988 in New Jersey with an objective to be more comfortable speaking in public. Shortly thereafter, a leadership path was added. That in itself was unexpected. However, the biggest unexpected benefit for me was the joy that I get when Toastmasters I have advised, formally or informally, succeed!
What are your hobbies and passions?
There are two main hobbies I enjoy: The first is genealogy, having traced parts of my family back to the 15th century. The second is antique vehicles and in the furtherance of that hobby, I am a Senior Master Judge for the Antique Automobile Club of America.
The #1 thing I want to tell everyone is: “When you get overwhelmed, seek help. Help can always be found from fellow Toastmasters.”
Carol Crouse, DTM
Why Toastmasters?
As a seasoned Toastmaster for over 20 years, I have taken several leadership positions in the clubs I’ve belonged to: Vice President Membership, Vice President Public Relations. My organizational and people skills are a good fit for my most recent office, Vice President Education.
I was singled out by a highly respected, longtime Toastmaster Marlene Purdy to reluctantly filling in as Area 11 Director in 2014 and over the next few years as Area Director for Area 12.
During my tenure several areas earned Distinguished and President’s Distinguished status.
I have served as Division Director, Web Master and on the Realignment Committee.
What are your hobbies and passions?
My philosophy is that it is easier to rebuild a club than to start a new one, though I have helped to start several new clubs.
Pickle-ball is my passion! I love to play! I have an old coin collection and collect horse statures from the past. Three or 4 day road trips are always in my view!
Diane Stewart, VC5
Why Toastmasters?
I first joined in 2017 to brush up on public speaking for business purposes. I quickly became “hooked” by the opportunity for continuous improvement in my communication and leadership skills for everyday life, both personal and professional.
I work for VMware, a global technology company, as a Sr. Program Manager in the Learning and Development group. I help manage our customer and partner digital learning platforms, manage our global webinar training program for customers, and support complex virtual events for up to 15,000 attendees over multiple days.
What are your hobbies and passions?
My husband and I love to cook and entertain; enjoy live music, theater & art fairs; starting to explore Indiana’s bike trails with our new e-bikes!
My focus is to develop my mentoring and coaching skills to build stronger Toastmasters clubs as well as to help younger colleagues at work develop skills that will contribute to their success. I hope that the clubs in our area have grown both in membership and in active participation, each with a mix of experienced and new members who are committed to serve in leadership.
Why Toastmasters?
Office managers are responsible for keeping an office running smoothly and overseeing administrative support. The job can range widely in duties and responsibilities, from reception, copy editing and support, to handling a specific type of paperwork or filing for a specific department.
In Toastmasters you have the opportunity to learn about the various positions and gain experience that is used in real world situations.
This is a great opportunity to help so many and pass on to others.
Jennifer Hobson
Why Toastmasters?
I began attending meetings with a colleague who invited me to accompany her as part of a buddy system for her first meeting. I quickly realized the benefits of Toastmasters. As speaking and presenting are major aspects of my job, they are the ones that make me the most uncomfortable. The “no judgment, safe space” was just what I needed to develop and grow my speaking skills. I’ve come to realize that I’ve developed more than just speaking skills. Toastmasters has helped me improve my listening, evaluating, and presenting skills, as well as increased my awareness of my use of filler words.
What are your hobbies and passions?
After giving it some thought, I would say that I am someone who is passionate about making the world a better place while spreading positivity.
My five granddaughters are the most precious things to me. Spending quality time with them is essential, additionally, I try to provide them with guidance so that they can become strong and confident young women.
Patient care has always been a passion of mine. I dedicated several years to working in a hospital laboratory, making a positive impact on patient care. Now, I am pleased to carry on that important work through my research at Roche.
When I am not working or grand parenting, I volunteer at two animal shelters in my local community. And, when it comes time for me, I have an amazing group of friends I play Texas Hold’em poker weekly.
Mark Decker, LD3
Do you have skills in writing articles for newsletters: promoting people, clubs, or events? Why not use those skills to help others in our Toastmaster community. We need your ideas and talent to promote the members and clubs in our district.
Come and be a part of our public relations team. Contact me via email.
Mark Mandel, DTM, IPDD
I joined toastmasters in 2001 while having seen how this program has benefited myself and others. I am “living the dream” through my club Vineyard Toastmasters and District 11. I’m learning and watching others grow.
English born and living in Indianapolis with my long suffering wife Mindy and two college bound children (Alex and Heather). I am a safety leader by day in addition to my toastmaster addiction.
My goal for this year is to have fun and learn along the way.
David Klopfenstein, DTM
Why Toastmasters?
I’ve found an opportunity of a lifetime. A place that I learn how to be a better person, to explore new possibilities and most of all, help others along the way. What more can anyone ask for. It has been said, “If you keep your eyes and your ears open, life will show you everything you need to know.”
Find your purpose, your passion, your unique place in the world…and fight for it.
Ruth Schmidt, PM2
Why Toastmasters?
Toastmasters enable me to listen, be a team member, build relationships, and improve my communication and leadership skills.
What are your hobbies and passions?
To find and embrace the hidden opportunity through empathy.
Marlene Purdy, DTM 
Why Toastmasters?
In 1988, while serving as president of the Bowling Green, Ohio Board of Education, after each meeting the local radio reporter would approach me with microphone in hand and recorder by his side to ask me questions about different parts of the meeting. I would turn on the radio the next morning to listen to his show and hear my responses. It was not pretty! At about the same time, I saw an article in the paper about Toastmasters and thought perhaps it could help. I went to the first meeting and was hooked. The people were so welcoming. So I joined Toastmasters for the Table Topics. It did not take long until I got into the leadership track first as a club officer, then Area Governor, Division Governor, Public Relations Officer, and then the Trio, serving as District 28 Governor in 2001-2.
When we moved to Fort Wayne in 2004, it was only natural that I continue my Toastmasters journey. Along the way, I studied to become a Parliamentarian. But now I have a different focus. It is not so much self-improvement as it is helping others to grow. As long as I can make a positive contribution, I am happy.
What are your hobbies and passions?
Gardening, floral design, travel, and dancing – not sure in what order. I am a Master Gardener and flower show judge in Ohio. I enjoy competitive flower arranging. In addition to traveling to all 50 states, my husband and I have cruised extensively to the Caribbean islands, Europe, South America, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and Korea. We spend seven weeks every year in Aruba. You will find us dancing there and on the cruise ships.
Christina Owens, PM5
Why Toastmasters?
I joined Toastmasters in February 2017 hoping to improve my presentation skills for work. Over the last 7 years, I have a honed my speaking skills, as expected, but have been surprised to see how my leadership skills have grown. Now, I want to bring these opportunities to other Toastmasters, so they can grow as well!
What are your hobbies and passions?
In my spare time, I love the great outdoors and enjoy things like trail running, hiking, and camping. When I want something a little quieter, I love to read and play games. Spending time with my family, including my new grandson, is always a blessing!
Lou Bengel, DTM
Why Toastmasters?
The #1 thing I want to tell everyone is: “Toastmasters is about growing personally and professionally. It is also about giving back once you have achieved your goals. For every SMART goal, have a HEART goal too.”
This committee will perform an audit of last year’s 2022 – 2023 budget.
Lead Auditor:
Jeni Christoffersen, DL4, Dynamic Club Toastmasters Club
Joseph Phillips, DTM, Leadership Outreach Toastmasters Club, Fort Harrison Toastmasters Club
Jelena Ivetic, Calumet Toastmasters Club
This committee’s contact for reports and information is: Lou Begnel, 2022-2023 Finance Manager
This committee will perform an audit of this years 2023 – 2024 budget.
Lead Auditor:
Nicholas Tomaszewski, Westfield Toastmasters Club
Lou Begnel, Leadership Outreach Toastmasters Club
Jelena Ivetic, Calumet Toastmasters Club
This committee’s contact for reports and information is: Jennifer Hobson, 2023 – 2024 Finance Manager.
This committee will oversee the re-alignment for 2024.
Chair: LeRoy Richins, VC1 Twin Bridges Club
Division A
Why Toastmasters?
My Toastmaster adventure started in 2017 as a quest for friendship. Along that path I found a supportive and compassionate family that truly helped me grow. Professionally, I found business contacts, mentor-ships, and a whole new set of skills that pushed me outside my comfort zone. A new vision and professional dreams emerged as I became a Distinguished Toastmaster and now I am a leader and business owner in my community.
My unpopular opinion is that table topics are the BEST part of any Toastmasters meeting. As a veterinarian and a mom, learning how to control your initial reaction to a question and respond well is a crucial skill. Anyone can benefit from the skills gained in a Toastmaster meeting and the Pathways Education Program. My aim is to use my role as Division Director to support and elevate the members of Division A.
What are your hobbies and passions?
Outside of Toastmasters I am a veterinarian, business owner, mother, and french horn player with the Valparaiso University community band. My hope for this next toastmaster year is to build up those cross-club connections that have languished and to help members reach their personal and club goals.
Valerie Mrak, DTM is Area Director for 5 clubs:
2. The Great Communicators of Northwest Indiana
4. Lake Effect Toastmasters Club
Why Toastmasters?
I joined Toastmasters after moving to a new community and at a turning point in my career. I not only gained new friends, I also created a new career as a public speaker. Since joining, I’ve given a TEDx Talk, keynoted in China, and spoken at the Conference for Global Transformation.
What are your hobbies and passions?
My passions include bicycling, hiking, reading and film-going.
TBA is the Area Director for 4 clubs:
4. Notre Dame Toastmasters Club
Why Toastmasters?
What are your hobbies and passions?
Jaime Wilsey-Heckman, LD2 is Area Director for 5 clubs:
2. Virtual Voices Aspiring Toastmasters (VVAT) Club
3. Bob Leiman Toastmasters Club
4. ZimmerBiomet Toastmasters Club
5. Anthony Wayne Toastmasters Club
Why Toastmasters?
I joined Toastmasters to get comfortable getting up in front of a room of people and be comfortable. Along the way I have grown in my leadership skills and participated in speech contests which I would avoid at all costs previously.
What are your hobbies and passion?
I’m a book worm and always have a book or two in hand and I love to travel. My hobbies are genealogy, bead craft and needlepoint.
Joyce Bachman, MS1 is Area Director of 4 Clubs:
2. Lunchtime Speaking to Succeed Club
3. Four Score and Seven Speeches Ago
4. Wall Street Speak-Easy Club
Why Toastmasters?
There are many types of leaders. Not everyone is charismatic. I am very non-dominant and must lead from my experience and quiet strengths. I welcome the opportunity to grow in Toastmasters.
What are your hobbies and passions?
That each Toastmaster has a good experience. Help members to share with others about the organization. Encourage involvement within a Toastmasters comfort level, help with speeches, and personal growth. Working for about 40 years in accounting I now enjoy retirement. I love fast walking so I join in races that take walkers, typically finishing a 5K in about 44 minutes. I also love to swim. Favorite place is the warm Gulf! Last not least, mentoring teens is a true joy as well as working with those in recovery.
Division C
Why Toastmasters?
I joined toastmasters to increase my confidence in public speaking and effectiveness of information being portrayed. I wanted to become a proficient communicator and storyteller.
What are your hobbies and passion?
My hobbies include billiards, movies (all genres), traveling, and immersing myself in various cultures. I also am an entrepreneur owing and running a tutoring company Hire Learning and a luxury charter transportation company Starship Coach.
Gill Smith II, DTM is the Area Director for 5 Clubs:
2. Leadership Outreach Toastmasters Club
3. Got Toast?
Why Toastmasters?
Gil Smith II is owner / manager of a 59 year old Packaging Company, Brown & Pratt, Inc. He is a second generation Toastmaster who now has his daughter as a club member. Since joining in 1981, Gill has held every club office more than once and was a District 11 Area Governor of the Year during the 1988-89 year. He has seen much change in the organization during his 41 years but one thing hasn’t changed: ‘participation in Toastmasters causes members to develop and improve their communication skills.” In Toastmasters, we ‘learn by doing.’
Whats your hobbies and passion?
Gil’s favorite pass-times are family, boating, and sports. …
Joseph Philips, DTM, PDD, is Area Director for 4 clubs:
2. Greenfield Toastmaster Club
3. Fort Harrison Toastmasters Club
Why Toastmasters?
My motivation to join Toastmasters came with a former employee inviting me to attend a club meeting. After that initial meeting, 23-years ago, I have been a member every sense. I have benefited from Toastmasters in the following ways: Served as a District, Program Quality, Division and Area Director. Lead District 11 to Distinguish Status 2016-2017.
What are your hobbies and passions?
Gardening, traveling, volunteering, and spending time with family.
Laura Anderson, DTM is Area Director for 4 clubs:
2. Roadmasters
Why Toastmasters?
Toastmasters was recommended to me by a fellow student when attending a speech class in college at age 40+. The individual belonged and thought I would enjoy it. When my employer started a group, I joined and have never regretted the decision. I’ve been a member of Toastmasters for 25+ years. I belong to several Toastmasters clubs; a former club mentor and club coach. In addition I was a Pathways Guide when the program was introduced to District 11.
What are your hobbies and passion?
As a semi-professional volunteer, you can often see me at several of the local Indianapolis live theaters ushering. I’m on the “God Mail” committee at my church and involved with several different programs there. Because this is not enough to keep me busy, I also belong to a group involved with high school friends who I graduated with and another group of city-wide people who also graduated the same year I did who plan different events. In my spare time, I take dance lessons and enjoy being with my children and try to spoil my grandchildren and great-grandchildren whenever possible. This year I hope to meet even more Toastmasters at the different area/division/district events and get new ideas and/or learn different approaches to the many areas Toastmasters covers.
Marcy Renken, PM5, IP3 is the Area Director for 5 clubs:
1. Dynamic Club
2. Indy Free Speakers Toastmasters Club
Why Toastmasters?
Marcy Renken, the mother of six and Army veteran, began pursuing her passion for speaking in 2013. She launched Mom with Purpose in 2022 to empower mothers to reach their potential. Marcy inspires and motivates others through her stories, making a difference in the world.
What are your hobbies and passions?
I am a musician. I enjoy visualizing and planning home projects. I enjoy being creative in all aspects
of my life.
Division E
Why Toastmasters?
I initially rejoined Toastmasters in late 2016 to brush up on my public speaking. (I was a member briefly from 2003-2005). It didn’t take long for my “why” to be about the people at our amazing club. Our club is like family. Now, as we continue to add new members, I enjoy watching them grow as speakers, mentors and leaders of our club. I now look forward assisting with Club and Area growth, within Division E. I’m blessed to have several leaders before me that have paved the way.
What are your hobbies and passion?
Though I am working my way back from an injury, my hobbies and passions have revolved around physical fitness the past 15 years. I enjoy weightlifting, running, cycling and golf mostly. I hope to expand my love of sports to pickle-ball and perhaps even tennis in the future. These extracurricular activities allow me to meet many awesome people along the way. Just as Toastmasters does.
Gregory Heldman, PM2 is the Area Director of 4 Clubs:
Why Toastmasters?
Lessons learned are numerous but revolve working with a team and developing organization skills. To continue developing my skills as a leader while helping others develop their skills as a speaker and leader and passing those skills to others.
What are your hobbies and passions?
Major objectives in any district or club is to grow, maintain and develop membership. I strive to look for and implement ways to inspire others to be engaged.
Aanal Mehta, EH4 is Area Director for 4 clubs:
1. Bloomington Good Morning Club
3. High Noon Toastmasters Club
4. X-Masters
Why Toastmasters?
Being a VP of Public Relations at the time of the covid pandemic was very challenging. However, I learned how to strategize, devise and develop a marketing plan using social media such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn platforms. I created social media ads and worked with VP of Education, hosted an on-line open-house and inviting a guest speaker. Hence, I learned the use of best PR practices to raise awareness of the club, by collaborating with other club Vice President of Public Relations. By exchanging and sharing strategies, and collaborating with another club we held joint TM meetings to help with respective club awareness and enrollments.
What are your hobbies and passions?
I enjoy nature trails with my husband. I also love traveling and learning about different cultures. My other hobbies are blogging, cooking and making jewelry.
Melissa Barrick, IP2 is Area Director for 4 clubs:
2. Brownsburg Toastmasters Club
3. B.S. Talkers
Why Toastmasters?
I found personal growth and improvement in confidence, communication, and overall belief in myself to try new experiences and face situations that initially feel less that comfortable. As an individual I want to grow, step outside my comfort zone, learn more about Toastmasters, and support other Clubs in addition to my own.
What are your hobbies and passions?
I enjoy spending time with my fiancé Todd, family, and friends. I love being outdoors and spending time in nature, on the water, and traveling to new places.
Veronica Heber, DL1 is Area Director for 4 clubs:
4. Diverse Speakers Toastmasters Club
Why Toastmasters?
The communication and leadership skills I have gained through Toastmasters have helped me in my career over the past decade. When I started working at Cummins, my manager noticed I seemed nervous when giving presentations in front of a group. She recommended Toastmasters, and I soon found my first home club. I dove into the Competent Communicator and Competent Leader handbooks, to finish the CC within my first year and serve my club in a few different officer roles. Since then, with the help of mentors and education programs within Toastmasters, I have become a more confident and effective speaker and leader. These skills and experiences have helped me earn promotions and take on challenging projects at work that I otherwise would not have had the confidence to do.
What is your passion?
I am excited to be a part of Toastmasters leadership, at the Club and the Area level. I love learning from my fellow Toastmasters members and helping others grow in their personal development.
Division F
Why Toastmasters?
I like talking to people, but was apprehensive about talking in a big group. Toastmasters has helped me structure my speech very effectively and to deliver it with confidence like never before!
I am working on my goal to network with professionals from different fields and enhance my outlook of the world. The #1 thing I want to tell everyone is: “Stay positive! You are your best coach and your best critic. Believe in yourself and achieve greatness.”
Jared Williams is the Area Director of 5 Clubs:
3. Humana’s Guiding Voices Club
4. Steamboat Toastmasters Club
5. Peace Speakers Toastmasters Club
Why Toastmasters?
I began Toastmasters last year by the recommendation of a friend. My initial goal achieved through Toastmasters would be to improve my public speaking, especially among larger groups. The experience has been successful, and I appreciate the wonderful people I have had the pleasure to meet.
I look forward to more self-improvement and bonds created with our members.
What are your hobbies and passions?
I spend most of my free time cheering on my son as a proud soccer dad. My other interest includes golfing, fishing, and traveling around the world. Any quality time spent with family and friends is always beneficial as well.
Mike Woodall, DTM is Area Director for 5 clubs:
1. Speaking Eagles Toastmasters Club
3. Kentuckiana Women in Leadership
Why Toastmasters?
In July of 2011, I met a buddy of mine (Willie Taylor) at the Lamascos Bar and Grill for a beer, here in Evansville, Indiana. The historic brick building has been a local beer-drinking and grub establishment since the prohibition. “Willie, I have great news!” “What’s that?” asked Willie. “I landed a speaking gig at a huge civil rights conference in St. Louis… in front of the ACLU, ATSA, and other civil rights organizations… in front of hundreds!” “Wow, sounds awesome!… Have you ever spoken in public before?” Willie asks. “No, but I think I can wing it”, I replied. All 5’4″ of Willie looked up at me with a piercing glare of deep concern. “You Need Toastmasters, Mike!” Willie declared. “I have been a member for over 25 years,” Willie adds. “When is the next meeting?” I asked. “Tuesday” he replies. We clanged beer mugs and toasted to Tuesday at noon.
I am so thankful to Willie for Toastmasters. The training I received through my Ice Breaker and the next few weeks of meetings before the conference took me from being a total flop to needing improvement.
Since joining I have had the honor of being an Area Governor and a club officer in each of the roles… multiple times… multiple clubs. I’ve built clubs. So many in fact that our Area became #1 in membership growth in North America by creating 2 new areas and a new division of clubs.
Toastmasters is where I found my voice… developed the courage to stand… and learned how to boldly speak… about the world I see worth having. Unexpectedly, in addition to learning how to speak, Toastmasters made me a better writer, presenter, meeting planner, and leader.
LaDonna Hacker, SR1 is Area Director for 5 clubs:
1. St. Matthews/Lyndon Toastmasters Club
2. Legendary Communicators’ Club
3. GE Appliance Park Toastmasters
Why Toastmasters?
I will have 34 years with GE/GE Appliances. Twenty three of that as an hourly employee. I could work 8 – 12 hours and not speak to anyone. I have always been painfully shy and introverted.(Anxious, rambling, nauseous, feel like I could not breathe) I walked looking at the ground not the people I was passing.
In 2002, I received my certification as an EMT. Hmmmmm, didn’t think about having to talk to patients. Over the years got better but still so uncomfortable with speaking publicly. In 2015, I had transferred to Louisville for work. I made myself smile or say hello to one new person each day. I was very intimidated to go to meetings with my team and even more so with Chief Procurement Officer. I would keep my head down or look away and pray no one would ask me a question.
I knew I had to break that. I saw a poster about Toastmaster and went to check it out. That was 2016. I still get anxious. I have a few good speeches in a row and the next one I would freeze up or lose my train of thought. I am grateful for my Toastmasters teams through the years helping me get to where I am today.
What are your hobbies and passion?
Passion for people. I have always been the advocate for those less fortunate. “Watching out for the underdog” so to speak. I feel every person matters and we cannot turn our backs on those who can’t help themselves. I have never heard a child say “When I grow up I want to be under addiction or I want to spend my life alone etc. I am on the leadership committee for Caring for Aging Parents in which we provide webinars, discussions and open forums for topics as home healthcare, Advanced Directives, etc. Enrolled in Bible School for my licensing in Women’s Ministry with focusing on helping women of all ages who have been rescued from sex trafficking, left the adult entertainment business, addictions, and domestic violence.
TBA is Area Director for 4 clubs:
Why Toastmasters?
Division H
Why Toastmasters?
I am a leadership/diversity advocate that anybody can be a leader and who I believe many do not know they are already leaders! I offer my talents, skill-sets, and experience to elevate our members, teams and clubs to the best of their abilities as individuals and as a team. This evolution and maturation over time instills the mission and vision of who we want to be as leaders. Toastmasters is one of the best safe spaces to evolve and elevate all of us ourselves and together. As the Division H/Area 86 Director, I can assess and acquire a full understanding of the nature of teams/club operations/businesses to know how to elevate each of us to be the best leader we are destined to F.L.Y – “First Lead Yourself” regardless of their background, culture, talents, skills, abilities, or disabilities.
What are your hobbies and passions?
I love public speaking and have been a public speaker since I was very young to an audience size of 5 to 1,000 people in the room. When not speaking, my two Sheltie dogs and cats lead my introverted Hufflepuff self and let me ace the Hogwarts Legacy PS5 game (yes, I am a Hogwarts fan!). Legos, genealogy, YouTube, pepperoni pizza, mocha coffee are a few of my favorite other things!
Parag Vasekar, PM5, DL3 is Area Director of 5 Clubs:
1. Donald A. Campbell Lafayette Toastmaster Club
4. Boiler Talks Toastmasters Club
5. Logansport Toastmasters Club
Why Toastmasters?
I have been working as a Business development manager and use both communication and leadership skills in my current job. In my professional journey, I have utilized Toastmasters to clarify goals, interact with clients, moderate conversations, establish agreement, and steer initiatives, among other tasks. These proficiencies are essential for area directors to achieve their goals.
What is your passion?
I am passionate about Toastmasters’ mission of empowering individuals to become confident communicators and effective leaders. As an Area Director, I will have the opportunity to serve and support a diverse group of clubs and members in achieving their goals. Additionally, I am eager to develop my own leadership skills through this challenging and rewarding role.
Michael Saine, SR5 is Area Director of 4 Clubs:
3. Hanna Center Toastmasters Club
Why Toastmasters?
I’ve worked in a majority of roles teaching, mentoring, promoting and providing marketing material for different organizations. I have excelled at leadership in the Navy, but I think that it’s more than that. In District 11, Paid Clubs have shrunk by 19.23% and Payment Growth has shrunk at a rate of 10.9% Only 14% of clubs are meeting the requirements for Distinguished. Last year, the Hanna Center Toastmasters were NOT distinguished and they only accomplished that level four times in the last twenty years. Since I’ve arrived, the club size has almost doubled. We met the qualifications for the Talk up Toastmasters award. Next meeting, two speakers are finishing their Level II’s to qualify us for Presidential Distinguished for the first time in 40 years. As an Area Director, I’m asking to be allowed to bring that same Hanna energy to four or five clubs and prove that we can succeed.
What are your hobbies and passions?
I want to serve as a District leader because the experiences that I’ve had at a club level have really changed my paradigm on what it means to be a leader in such a personal and professional way. I really love what I’ve grown into. I don’t just want to give back, but I want to grow more. I want to encourage others. I want to replicate the success that I’ve seen at a club level throughout my district, and I believe this is a good step.
Ed Basquill, EH3 is Area Director of 6 clubs:
4. Roche Indianapolis Toastmasters
5. Westfield Toastmasters Club
Why Toastmasters?
When accepting his accolades for his accomplishments, Isaac Newton said: “If I have seen further, it is because I am standing on the shoulders of giants.” In his time civilization moved forward like Jenga, piling on top of the past. In our time its more like Lego’s than Jenga, where are ability to connect with others is the key, and the primary way we connect is through the spoken word. I joined toastmasters so I could have more influence and be a world changer.
What are your hobbies and passions?
Faith, family, and reading.
Sam Bristol, DTM is Area Director of 4 clubs:
Why Toastmasters?
Importance of getting others involved. Listening – a great way to learn different ways of approaching a situation. Planning – opens eyes to possible issues and reminds all about tasks.
What are your hobbies and passions?
During the last couple of years, I have seen the lack of Area Directors in the Indianapolis area. By stepping forward again to be an Area Director this year, I can help find and inspire others to become future Area Directors. For building new clubs, I want to help get 1-2 efforts going to add clubs in the old Division G territory in order to get closer to re-establishing a Division G. For Area 85, I want to encourage sharing of good ideas and best practices in order for more clubs to achieve at least Distinguished status in the DCP.
Jane Croft, EC2 is Area Director for 4 clubs:
2. Nora Toastmasters By the Pyramids
4. St. Luke’s Toastmaster Club
Why Toastmasters?
I am a leadership/diversity advocate that anybody can be a leader and who I believe many do not know they are already leaders! I offer my talents, skill-sets, and experience to elevate our members, teams and clubs to the best of their abilities as individuals and as a team. This evolution and maturation over time instills the mission and vision of who we want to be as leaders. Toastmasters is one of the best safe spaces to evolve and elevate all of us ourselves and together. As the Division H/Area 86 Director, I can assess and acquire a full understanding of the nature of teams/club operations/businesses to know how to elevate each of us to be the best leader we are destined to F.L.Y – “First Lead Yourself” regardless of their background, culture, talents, skills, abilities, or disabilities.
What are your hobbies and passions?
I love public speaking and have been a public speaker since I was very young to an audience size of 5 to 1,000 people in the room. When not speaking, my two Sheltie dogs and cats lead my introverted Hufflepuff self and let me ace the Hogwarts Legacy PS5 game (yes, I am a Hogwarts fan!). Legos, genealogy, YouTube, pepperoni pizza, mocha coffee are a few of my favorite other things!