Club Officer Training
The second training of club officers is on zoom only. The week of Jan 17-21 will be all evening training sessions and Jan 25,24 and 25, 26 and 27 there will be afternoon sessions that are a repeat of previous sessions.
The links for the meetings can be found under the events tab, then Leadership Institute Club Officer Training Page.
Any club officer will get credit if they attend at least one session, and put their name, club number and office in the chat.
There is no view recording credit for officer training this time around,
so make sure all your officers participate in whichever training session they can make.
Distinguished Club credits: To get easy points in the distinguished club program, at least 4 officers need to be trained.
Clubs that have all 7 officers in training will receive special recognition and a monetary reward.
If you have any questions, please contact Mark Mandel, Program Quality Director.