Current Events and More
Have you been thinking lately – What is happening in District 11?
There is plenty of events currently taking place and more to come. Check them out with the links below!

Officer and Membership Training
These are still active and more sessions have been added.
Go to Toastmaster Leadership Institution to find out about the exciting programs being offered. Did you miss a program? Not to worry, we have you covered because these sessions were recorded and are stored on our very own District 11 YouTube channel. Click on District 11 YouTube Channel to view many exciting programs.

Boost Program
The district boost program was established to help you, the member get more experience in toastmasters. Have you been in a rut; your club doing the same thing, the same way with no results? Why not go beyond your club and see what others have to offer. Or maybe you have some new and interesting topics to offer others. Does your club need others to fulfill roles and liven up meetings? Look no further, click on Boost Program to see the list of other clubs schedules, volunteer to help out or just curious what opportunities await you.

Spring Speech Contests
We have the current schedule and locations for Area and Division Contests. Go to Speech Contests List for dates, times and locations. Do you need contest resources or assistance, there are links for all of that on the same page.
As more contests are planned, please send the information to Public Relations Manager to get them posted.

District 11 Spring Conference May 19 – 20, 2023
The location for this year’s Spring Conference will be held at:
Holiday Inn Indianapolis Airport
8555 Stansted Rd
Indianapolis, IN 46241
The information on the conference and agenda is located here: Spring Conference

Suggestions or Comments
Is there something the district can do to assist its members and officers? Feel free to send an email to the Public Relations Manager using the contact link below. Together we will make a difference.